The Chinese way of Health
Chinese philosophical though, of which Chinese medicine is merely one part, is a vast body of knowledge. The history of Chinese medicine in China is long and illustrious. Over the centuries there have been numerous influences and schools, each of which has placed a slightly different emphasis on particular aspects of treatment. The different schools of influence have led to a rich and varied tradition of treatment which continues to the present day.The essential point of Chinese medicine is that Chi (Qi: Eastern pronunciation and spelling), energy, flows throughout the body. It flows through meridians, channels, and passes to the internal organs, and together with Blood, it supplies nourishment to the body and ensures its normal functioning.
We are healthy when Chi and Blood � the basis of life � are balanced within the body, and so flow harmoniously. Chi and Blood are aspects of Yang and Yin respectively.
Yin and Yang
Yin and Yang underlie all aspects of Chinese philosophy and medicine. They are the fundamental principles at the core of all existence; they represent the duality which is obvious in our everyday reality. The Chinese have used such ideas to develop a system of medicine which can effectively treat a wide range of disorders. This is why the Chinese medicine is so effective: it is a complete system which has a complete view of the human being and of the universe, and as such it has many applications.
The well-known symbol indicates the indivisibility yet interdependence of yin and yang. There is no situation where there is absolute yin or absolute yang; all parts of the universe are connected with each other as each object is in a state of constant change and interplay between these two opposites.
Chi (Chi: Western pronunciation and spelling)
The active principle which results from the Yin/Yang dynamic is Chi. It is loosely translated as energy, although there is no direct counterpart in conventional Western thought. Chi takes particular forms in certain places at certain times; what we normally perceive as solid physical structures are nothing more that the concentration of energy.Chi is the life-force upon which the physical body depends. Therefore in Chinese medicine a person�s health is dependant on three factors: The smooth flow of Chi and Blood Good quality Chi and Blood Correct functioning of the organs.
The flow of Chi can be experienced during meditation practice, Chi Kung or when having treatment with massage.
Meridians (Channels)
Chi, with Blood, flows through meridians which pass on the surface of the body as well as plunging deep within it to connect with internal organs and give life to the whole body.There are twelve main meridians within the body, each associated with a particular organ and there are energy points along each channel which allows practitioners to access the Chi and treat disorder of the organ.
Meridians can provide information about the organ related to a particular symptom. For example headaches at the side of the head are frequently related to the Gall Bladder channel as it supplies this area of the head. In this way, the meridians and points can be used to treat symptoms that may appear to be completely unrelated to the organ concerned. There are several methods of treatment which directly affect the meridians, including Chi Kung.

Chakras are the internal centers that are activated, and relate to, the energy points on the meridians. They are the body�s focal points (wheel-like vortexes of energy) through which Chi flows.There are 7 main charkas and every chakra has a corresponding organ in our physical system:
Root � It is located at the base of the spine or between the legs. It belongs together with the large intestine and the rectum. It also has a certain influence on the function of the kidneys.
Navel � The navel charka belongs to the reproduction system, the testicles and ovaries and also the urinary bladder and kidneys.
Solar Plexus �is related to the stomach, pancreas, liver, the upper portion for the small intestines and other digestive organs. It is connected to the immune system.
Heart � The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the body, right of the physical heart. It belongs to the heart and the arms.
Throat � The Throat Chakra is connected to the thyroid gland and tied in with the voice. It relates to the throat and the lungs.
Third eye � It is also called the �brow� charka and is located on the forehead. It belongs to the brain and face (nose, eyes etc.).
Crown �The Crown charka is located on the top of the head. It does not have a corresponding organ, but is related to the whole being.
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